
Have u see Heroes season 2 episode 3- Kindred? If not, and don't want to know about it, please don scroll down...
All i want to say about this episode is, it was great...it tell what happened to other character like Niki and Micah...and in this episode many secrets, or should i say more power are involved...
First, Takezo Kensei...Hiro found out that Takezo got a power too...like Claire, Takezo also can regenerate his body...in last episode, Takezo got shot with an arrow...then after Hiro pull out the arrow from his body, Takezo are fine...
Peter learned that he got a few powers but don't know how to control the powers...but he managed to use it in the right time...also he got a box that contain his past story but decided not to open it...
In this episode too they show what happened to Sylar...looks like he got no power this time but still not sure wether he was temporarily or permanently lost his powers...
DL is dead...and Niki decided to give Micah to DL's Mom so that she could go to the Company to get rid of her power...and there might be a new character which is Micah's Grandma, 'Nana'...
Alejandro are caught by police after trying to steal a car...and Maya willing to use her power to free her brother...
Claire got a new boyfriend, West...and West show to Claire his power which is he can fly like Nathan Petrelli...and also he told Claire that he once got abducted by a guy, which turn out to be her father...by the way, Claire's father learned that he will die after he see Isaac's painting...
Suresh got a lab which is at Isaac's apartment...and now he lives with Matt Parkman and Molly...
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