Going 2 Moon: Tabahkan Hati II

Going 2 Moon

Sometimes, simple is the best!

Tabahkan Hati II

Ramadhan tahun nie aku rasa antara Ramadhan yang agak sedih buat aku...banyak bende sedih yang berlaku...memang aku penat...bukan penat sebab bekerja tapi penat sebab aku simpan semuanya sorang diri...

Minggu lepas aku kehilangan seseorang...seseorang yang memang agak rapat...iaitu pakcik aku...pakcik yang banyak berkorban, banyak membantu aku dan juga keluarga aku setiap masa...tak kira masa senang, masa susah...dan aku terkilan sebab tak sempat berjumpa dia...

memang susah nak ditahan rasa sedih...tapi aku gembirakan jugak diri sendiri... keje bagai nak gila sebab taknak fikirkan bende tak gembira...duduk bergelak ketawa dengan rakan sekerja...dan bila balik rumah lebih banyak tido...lebih bayak layan blues seorang diri...

And my sis yang telefon bagitau pasal pakcik aku tue...and masa aku dengar suara dia aku dah tahu ader something wrong and at that time i just think bout my mom...and when she told me that pakcik dah takde, i relieved that it was not my mom...and then it struck me...it was my uncle...and i lost words...

Perasaan yang aku rasa, sama seperti apa yang aku rasa 5 tahun lepas masa ayah aku meninggal ,lebih kurang 3 bulan sebelum aku SPM...and now i feel it again...because after my dad, my uncle are second most important male person in my life...

And this time i've got 2 sad news...bout my uncle and the other news...and the other news only 2 people in this world that knows bout it besides my family...

and last week one of my friend said that he got a dream and ask me bout it...i denied it and just said that it was only a dream...although the reality is, the dream was true...funny is it?...he just like a psychic...and i'm sorry that i lied...i just feel that it was not a right time yet...

and as i know you read my blog, and i assume you know who you are, i just want to tell you that it was true about your dream but it was worst than that...but i really want you to keep it to yourself so make sure you kept your mouth shut...

Apapun, selain dari 2 berita sedih nie, aku puasa macam biasa, keje macam biasa...dan minggu nie minggu last aku keje...dan aku rasa aku dah bley terima semua berita sedih nie...so don't worry bout me...

aja aja fighting...
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At September 27, 2007 12:23 PG, Blogger Amin said...

Its not always easy to lose someone so dear to you. People say 'Life has to go on'. Easier said than done but, be strong and keep the memories of him alive.

Sometimes bad things just happen -- no reason, no purpose. They just occur and we're left to pick up the pieces the best we can...

Sorry tetibe menyampuk kat sini. Anyway, Slamat berpuasa abg Fariz! =)

At Oktober 13, 2007 6:04 PG, Blogger Shunjike7 said...

thanks amin


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